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Sen. Angus King endorses Joe Biden for president

'Joe Biden is a proven leader with the experience and temperament needed to guide our nation through these troubled times,' King said in his endorsement.

WASHINGTON, D.C., USA — Senator Angus King on Tuesday announced his endorsement of former Vice President Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

King, an Independent, has been critical of incumbent Republican President Donald Trump — calling his COVID-19 response 'infuriating and heartbreaking' and, more recently, criticizing the president's refusal to commit to a peaceful transition of power if he loses. King also recently spoke out strongly against Trump's failure to condemn white supremacist groups during the first presidential debate.

In his endorsement, however, King focused on the positive characteristics that he believes Biden brings to the table this election — including character.

"There are lots of characteristics when you're talking about what constitutes leadership. There's vision and communication skills, management skills. But I believe the most important characteristic of all of them is character," King said in a video. "It's hard to define but it has something to do with honesty and integrity and sticking to principle. And that's why I'm supporting Joe Biden in this election."

This is not the first time King has endorsed the candidate opposite Trump. In 2016, he endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton for president.

King released the following statement announcing his endorsement:

"When it comes to public service, I’ve always felt that the person -- their policy views, but more importantly their character -- is more important than the party. That’s why I’ve voted for Republicans, Democrats, and independents; it’s why, as an Independent Governor and now Senator, I’ve hired from both sides of the aisle to make sure I’m hearing every perspective. And it’s why this year, I’m supporting Joe Biden for President.

The choice is clear. Joe Biden is a proven leader with the experience and temperament needed to guide our nation through these troubled times. He’ll listen to the experts -- our public health experts, and climate scientists, and intelligence professionals -- to confront the threats facing America. He’ll stand up for the institutions and values that have kept this American experiment alive for the last 244 years. Most importantly -- Joe will work to bring the American people together, rather than constantly choosing to drive them apart. For those reasons, and many more, Joe Biden has my vote."

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King added in a video that both Biden's life experiences and Biden's Senate experience influenced his endorsement.

"This guy right here who I got to know in the Senate had character," King said in the video, alluding to late Sen. John McCain. "You knew it. You might not agree with him all the time but you knew that he was a real, honest person who would listen and would care and that's the kind of person Joe Biden is," King said. "He's seen triumph in his life and he's seen real tragedy, and that's what builds the kind of character that I want in a president of the United States."

Kamala Harris, Biden's running mate and a colleague of King's in the Senate since 2017, was also a factor King noted in his decision.

"By the way, I sat next to Kamala Harris for four years on the intelligence committee and I can tell you a couple of things about her. She's smart, she's tough, and she has character too," King said. "That's why I believe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be great leaders for the United States of America."

In contrast with King's public endorsement of Sen. Susan Collins in 2014, he has not endorsed his fellow Maine senator in her 2020 reelection bid.

Collins meanwhile has not said who she's supporting in the presidential race despite being pressed for months by Democrats and by the press. 

Collins maintains she is staying out of presidential politics and focusing on her own race.

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