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Allergy season is ramping up in Maine. Here's how you can combat it.

Enjoy the nice weather, just make sure you take the right precautions to avoid the sniffles.

MAINE, USA — The weather this week has been gorgeous! We've had lots of sunshine combining with the warmest temperatures of the year, which has left everything picturesque. Unfortunately, that also means the beginning of the dreaded allergy season.  

Allergies normally start this time of year, when winter has wrapped up and everything has started to grow and bloom.

There are a few different types of pollen that bring on the watery eyes and sniffles. Tree pollen is first, followed by grass pollen and then weeds. 

Credit: NCM

Tree pollen starts in the spring in Maine, peaking in late April and into May. The main trees that throw pollen into the air here are poplar, maple, oak, juniper, and birch. These symptoms include the normal itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, and nasal congestion.

Credit: NCM

Best way to avoid this? Staying inside is the simplest way to steer clear of your allergies but that's not a realistic solution.  

When at home or in the car, you'll want to keep your windows closed to keep as much pollen outside of your space. Air conditioning filters can help trap allergens before they come into the home.

When you do step outdoors, sunglasses and hats can help keep pollen away from your face, which will help avoid worse symptoms. 

One other method to alleviate allergies is to wash your face and hair before heading to bed. Pollen can transfer from your head to your pillow, which keeps that pollen on your body for longer periods of time. 

Credit: NCM

Enjoy the nice weather, just make sure you take the right precautions to avoid the sniffles!

- Aaron

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