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River flood warnings: Which areas are expected to flood

Some rivers won't crest until Monday, with a few warnings extended into Tuesday

Flood warnings have been issued for a dozen rivers in Maine and New Hampshire, some lasting into early next week.

How high each river gets will depend on how quickly the snow melts upriver and the exact amount of rainfall. Given this is not a very large rain event, most rivers will avoid reaching moderate or major flood stage.

Androscoggin River
Rumford region
Forecast crest: 15.9' Sunday morning
Minor flooding
Impact, courtesy NWS: Bethel Outdoor Adenture and Campground begins to flood; Ballfield south of Lincoln Avenue (Route 2) in Rumford is completely flooded; Low spots along the Swift and Androscoggin Rivers flooded in Mexico and Rumford; Water up to the intersection of Lincoln Avenue (Route 2) and Falmouth Street.

Auburn region
Forecast crest: 14.3' Sunday night
Minor flooding
Impact, courtesy NWS: Minor lowland flooding; Route 136 at Stackpole Road in Durham begins to flood.

Aroostook River
Washburn region
Forecast crest: 19.7' Saturday night
Moderate flooding
Impact, courtesy NWS:  Widespread flooding of Gardner Creek Road, South Wade Road, Parsons Road and State Route 164. Numerous homes and camps inundated. Flooding akin to December 1973.

Kennebec River
North Sidney
Forecast crest: 18.1' Sunday afternoon
Minor flooding
Impact, courtesy NWS: Minor lowland flooding

Forecast crest: 14.5' Sunday afternoon
Minor flooding
Impact, courtesy NWS: Water up to 2 feet deep in parking lot on Front Street in Augusta. Water to the edge of Front Street in Hallowell.

Mattawamkeag River
Mattawamkeag region
Forecast crest: 15.7' Monday night
Moderate flooding
Impact, courtesy NWS:  Flooding along the Bancroft Road between Wytopitlock and Danforth. Bridge Road near Haynesville flooded.  Close to flooding along River Road in Mattawamkeag and Lancaster Road in Kingman. 

Penobscot River
West Enfield region
Forecast crest: 20.4' Sunday night
Minor flooding
Impact, courtesy NWS:  Lowland flooding between Greenbush and Orono; flooding on Route 2 in Greenbush near Dow Road.

Eddington region
Forecast crest: 20.2' Monday morning
Minor flooding
Impact, courtesy NWS:  Minor lowland flooding. If river reaches 21' (higher than current forecast), Routes 2, 9, 178 flood.

Saco River
Conway region
Forecast crest: 11.1' Sunday morning
Minor flooding
Impact, courtesy NWS:  Moat Brook Bridge flooded at Transvale Acres. Lower part of E. Road in Transvale Acres flooded. Beach, Eastern Slope and Saco River camping areas completely flooded to a depth of 2 to 3 feet.

Swift River
Roxbury region
Forecast crest: 8.6' Saturday night
Minor flooding
Impact, courtesy NWS:  Minor lowland flooding.

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