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Are AI-powered traffic lights the future of efficient commuting?

Since last week, Municipal Drive to the 701 Connector along Route 1 in Scarborough has seen about a 24-percent increase in traffic flow.

SCARBOROUGH, Maine — Have you ever found yourself waiting endlessly at a red light late at night, even though there's no other vehicle in sight? 

We've all been there, frustrated by the inefficiencies of traffic lights. But what if traffic lights could adapt to real-time traffic conditions and make your wait much shorter? 

Thanks to cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology, that's now becoming a reality.

On Route 1 in Scarborough, a transformation is underway with AI-powered traffic lights that aim to make waiting at red lights a thing of the past. The initiative aims to enhance traffic flow and reduce congestion, drastically improving commuting experiences for the community.

Stephen Buckley, public works deputy director, shared the vision behind the project, stating, "We should be waiting less at red lights and having to stop less at red lights." 

The ultimate goal is to achieve seamless traffic management, reducing commute times and increasing overall efficiency.

Unlike conventional traffic lights that run on preset timers, the AI-powered traffic lights use sophisticated algorithms to study traffic patterns and real-time data. 

Rocco Risbara III, managing member of Crossroads Holdings LLC and The Downs, said, "The AI system studies traffic movements and learns from them to optimize traffic flow effectively."

By integrating data from various sources, including traffic sensors and cameras, the AI system can assess the traffic situation accurately. As a result, it coordinates a series of traffic lights, allowing vehicles to move through intersections more smoothly, even during heavy traffic periods.

The implementation of AI-powered traffic lights on Route 1 is a result of collaborative efforts between the town, the state, and The Downs downtown development. The two-phase project aims to improve not only traffic flow but also the community's overall commuting experience.

"It might not be an immediate improvement that people notice, but we are actively monitoring the system and tweaking it as needed," Buckley said.

Phase 1 of the project has already seen results. According to Scarborough town officials, since last week, traffic flow has increased by approximately 24 percent along the Municipal Drive to the 701 Connector. The town said it plans to expand the AI-powered traffic light system to more intersections in the coming years. 

The technology comes at a cost, though. The cost for this ambitious endeavor is around $14 million. The town said it has allocated approximately $3 million, while the state has matched this investment. The Downs downtown development is stepping forward to cover the rest.

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