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Phil & Ethan discuss LePage calling Verso Paper a "Bottom Feeder"

Phil and Ethan discuss Gov. LePage calling Verso a "Bottom Feeder" and a key abortion vote for Bruce Poliquin
phil and ethan

BANGOR, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- The following is a transcript of a taped interview between Chris Facchini and Political Analysts Ethan Strimling and Phil Harriman.

Chris: A federal judge this week told Verso Paper to work out a deal with the Union that filed a lawsuit against Verso, the Scrap Metal Company buying the Bucksport Mill, and state officials.
Judge John Woodcock rejected a motion to stop the sale of the mill but said all parties should work together to find a solution that would benefit everyone including looking into recruiting buyers that would restart the mill instead of scrapping it...
But according to our media partners at the Portland Press Herald, Governor LePage said Wednesday that he feels the chances of the mill restarting are slim to none and reportedly said of Verso at a Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce event "I've lost all respect for bottom feeders."
Joining me now to discuss this are our political analysts Ethan Strimling and Phil Harriman..
Phil, We know the governor speaks his mind--what is the push back from this?

Phil: I think the fact is that when the judge ruled there was no reason to stop the sale it essentially gave verso the right to go ahead and sell it to a company that is going to dismantle it piece by piece and sell it for the value of the scrap metal on that campus. It's an unfortunate outcome i can understand why the governor feels the way he does and as you mentioned chris he speaks his mind and he probably speaks for a lot of people in the Bucksport region if not for the citizens of Maine.

Ethan: Yeah he's getting a little democratic populist going on there slamming the big corporate machine that's bottom feeding off the workers there but he's right, this is unfortunate and we've been talking about this for a while how some of these paper companies are all about their bottom line and don't care about their community and I'm glad the governor is speaking out.
He does have a little of a political problem because if you'll remember he said in one of the debates I don't think this is going to close I don't think we're going to find a legitimate buyer. those words are looking pretty thin right now.

Chris: Phil as a follow up to what Ethan said, the governors looking democratic, not business friendly, what do you think of that? is this a tough line (for him) to toe?

Phil: Well he's speaking as a Mainer. We all care about the Bucksport Region we all care about the proud heritage of our forests and our paper making and to see a company abandoning our values here to simply make a buck off of scrap metal I don't think that's a democrat or republican feeling it's a Mainers feeling.

Chris: Switching subjects, there's a vote on the floor of the house today in Congress on taxpayer funded abortion. It's the first controversial vote on abortion for Bruce Poliquin. Ethan How should he vote and what are his pitfalls either way?

Ethan: I hope he votes in favor of federal funding. He did say on the campaign trail that he was personally pro-life but that wasn't going to have an effect on his politics or his political decision making. The district he represents is about 60 percent pro choice. You know this was obviously represented by Olympia Snowe for a long time. John Baldacci. Mike Michaud would go both ways but most of the time was pro-choice so it will be interesting to see how he goes because he's going to have to be careful because he doesn't want to alienate and end up getting a primary but I think he's really focusing more on the general (election) two years from now.

Phil: This is one of those times I've often said Chris sometimes in high office you get to choose between picking a rose and picking a tulip and some days you've got to choose between getting hit by a bus and getting hit by a train. This is one of those days for Bruce Poliquin this is going to be one of those days where w e see how he comes down on this, Will he stick to his roots and his values that helped him win the primary or is he looking as Ethan suggests to the next general election.

Chris: ok guys really quickly before we go, the Superbowl, what are your predictions?

Ethan: Phil's actually going to be there so I want to here his prediction..

Phil: I'll actually probably be carrying Lee Goldbergh's tripod. (laughs) I'm a true blue patriots fan through and through unlike my colleague to my right your left...

Ethan: Actually I'm definitely left of you (laughs)
Actually I think the Patriots will be tough to beat but I wonder about those deflated footballs, Phil was there last week I think he might have had something to do with it..

Phil: yeah, it's all my.. all the republicans fault. (laughs)

Chris: Thanks for your time.

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