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Maine's 'Trumpiest' towns

Find out about one of Maine's "Trumpiest" towns.

CHARLESTON, Maine (NEWS CENTER) – The town of Charleston had 74 percent of its population vote for Donald Trump – making it one of the “Trumpiest” towns in Maine.

Maine split its votes in the Presidential election, with one electoral vote going to President Trump in the second District. The state numbers show Piscataquis had the highest percentage of Trump vote, 56.8-percent -- Cumberland County had the lowest, with 32-point-6 percent. After looking at the towns that had more than 250 total votes cast, Sherman and Charleston were two of the highest “pro-Trump” towns in Maine.

Barry Higgins is the owner of Maple Lane Farm in Charleston. When he was told his town was one of the ‘Trumpiest”, he agreed. “I’m not surprised actually” Higgins said. “Charleston is very conservative, it's been a conservative town for generations”. He and most of his employees feel that Donald Trump stands by many of the same values. “The farming community knows what it's like to have to work in order to make a living” one employ said. “They need to know that that dollar was spent wisely”.

Bonnie Waters works at Maple Lane Farms, she too was not shocked about the finding. “I'm not surprised that we have gone to an extreme anyways” Waters said. “I think we need to do something extreme in order to see if we can improve things”.

Too see how your town measures on the “Trumpiest” scale, click here.

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