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Political Brew: Presidential debate, illegal marijuana grows, and Biden immigration order

NEWS CENTER Maine political analysts BJ McCollister and Joe Bruno weigh in on the top issues of the week.

It was another busy week in politics. From the upcoming Trump-Biden debate, to Sen. Collins on illegal marijuana grows,  and Pres. Biden's latest immigration, our analysts share their takes. 

Presidential debate

The first presidential debate will air Thursday on CNN. It is official: it will just be President and former president Donald Trump on stage after RFK Jr. didn't qualify. This could get heated, but we're told there are some safeguards in place, even the ability to mute the candidates' microphones. 

ZACH: "The question is, will they still be able to control the candidates in a setting like that?"

BJ: "Yeah, sure. So, I mean, the moderators that are hosting this debate have a lot of experience. And the Trump campaign has said that he's going to be more measured and not interrupt. Now, I think history shows that Donald Trump is not great at being measured and does not show restraint. So I would not be surprised to see him interject even with the mute button and this is exactly why he lost the two debates that he had against President Biden in the 2020 election. And I think we can expect to see a similar environment this debate."

JOE: "Well, even Joe Biden doesn't have a great record and not interrupting during debates. So hopefully both of them allow each other to speak. So the American public can actually listen to what people say and make their own decisions after this debate. Unfortunately, Canada is not going to be there. He's a viable candidate to many. You know, he's polling at 15% nationally. I don't know why he didn't qualify. You know, there are some he he met three out of the four criteria he should have been on stage and that would have been much more interesting."

ZACH: "The bigger question, though, will these debates even matter or are voters minds made up?"

JOE: "Oh, I think people are going to watch for sure."

BJ: "Yeah, I think they will matter. And I've said this before, but I think both the candidates have different tasks at hand. You know, President Trump, President Biden has to work hard to solidify his base and Donald Trump has to work to try to bring those Haley voters that he's lost back into the tent before they find another home."

Illegal marijuana

Maine Senator Susan Collins made some headlines this week, including for a national interview about dozens of illegal marijuana growers discovered in the state tied to the Chinese government. She spoke to NBC's Jacob Soboroff saying her concerns are far greater than marijuana, even hinting at a potential national security threat.

ZACH: "Joe, is Senator Collins going too far here?"

JOE: "No, no. I think we have a real problem in rural Maine right now with these illegal grow operations. You know, they are Chinese nationalists. We have arrested quite a few of them already. And I think it should be a concern to all Maine people and people nationally."

BJ: "Yeah, I mean, this has been happening in states around the country. Maine's not the first place that happened in that debate. I mean, sorry, in that interview. I think that one of the things that was most shocking and troubling was watching the people in the communities that have had these these illegal grows happen and talking hearing the interview with the real estate agents that have sold the properties. I mean, the weight on these communities is is clearly strong. And I think the other the other part of this, too, is as we get to hotter temperatures and electric grids might have more of a strain when you have these large grow operations that really can impact the energy outtake from the state as well."

Biden immigration order

President Joe Biden has officially signed a new executive action to protect undocumented spouses of US citizens from deportation. The program affects an estimated 500,000 people who have lived in the US for at least ten years before. People who crossed the border illegally had to leave the country to apply for a green card with no guarantee of reentry. Advocates say this will make a big difference for many.

ZACH: "BJ, Many are saying that this is largely political on the president's part."

BJ: "Well, I think that the president has had to take various executive actions like this one because of the fact that congressional Republicans blocked the border bill months ago. And what I will say is, when you look at what's within this action that the president's taken, it also involves creating a pathway for people to be able to get better access to work visas. And so, I mean, for me, when I look at a country that is struggling with workforce needs, when I look at a comprehensive immigration process, this this strikes the right.:

JOE: "Well, I mean, the fact of the matter is that immigration bill was not a very good bill. That's why Republicans blocked it. When you look at when you take polling nationally, people are very concerned about illegal immigration. Joe Biden needs to shore up that side of his base. So this is one way of him doing it is granting amnesty to illegals. That's not what Americans want. Americans support immigration, but they don't want illegal immigration. And that's what this does, is just encourage more illegal immigration."

ZACH: "Is the President trying to walk this line, though, B.J., by securing the border, but also allowing some form of of immigration rights?"

BJ: "Well, I think that this is the challenge of immigration policy, and that's why it's been on the back burner for so long, is you do have to walk a line. I mean, these are people and there's a process, as Joe mentioned. But also we need to make sure that that process is improved. And, you know, as the congresswoman said, you know, there are kids who don't need to lay at bed at night worrying if their mom's going to be deported now. And that's a real human element."

You can watch Political Brew every Sunday on The Morning Report at 6 a.m. You can also catch it any time on NEWS CENTER Maine+.


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