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72 brand new emojis released in Unicode update

(NEWS CENTER) — A pregnant woman, Mrs. Claus and bacon — yes, bacon — are just a few of the 72 new emojis included in the latest version of the Unicode Standard released Tuesday.

According to emoji reference website Emojipedia, the update includes new emoji faces, hand gestures, gender pairings, animals, food, drinks and sports.

Below is an Emojipedia-created sample image of the new emojis designed in the "Apple style" look:

These do not necessary reflect what the new emojis will look like, but give an idea of how they may look.

Emojis are illustrated differently across platforms such as Apple, Google, Samsung and Facebook. Because of this, users typically must wait until the platform they use pushes an update; for example, Apple would need to push an iOS software update to the iPhone for the new emojis to appear.

Two emojis were notably bumped from the update: one for the modern pentathlon, an Olympic sport that includes pistol shooting, and another depicting a rifle.

For a full breakdown of the update along with sample images of all 72 emojis, visit Emojipedia.org.

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