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Wisconsin beekeepers battle dramatic honeybee losses










Denise Palkovich's honeybees are settling in this summer at her Fond du Lac home, but it's unclear if they'll live to see next season.

Palkovich oversees the hives with a hint of concern. Last winter and spring, all seven of her hives died off before beekeeping season, which has never happened in her 12 years of raising bees.

Last season, about 60 percent of Wisconsin honeybees died over the winter, a rate four times higher than beekeepers consider acceptable. Bee die-off rates have hung above 30 percent in six of the last seven years. This season, 44 percent of bees died off nationwide, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data.


Experts say the die off is due to insecticides, global warming and a mite.

As honeybees die, Wisconsin beekeepers must import new hives from across the country.

Bees are important in the state for more than honey and other products, as they pollinate Wisconsin's crops like tomatoes, nuts and fruits.

Palkovich runs D’s Bees. The shop sells honey, beeswax candles and a host of other goods that her seven hives — each named for a Greek goddess, Pandora, Eos and so on — produce in a season. She first began raising bees to pollinate her garden, which spans her yard at her home near Peebles.

"My goal is to just have enough money to support my habit (of beekeeping)," Palkovich said. "I'll keep beekeeping for as long as I'm able to."

Palkovich along with other Wisconsin beekeepers points to a pervasive insect as the chief contributor to hive losses.

The Varroa mite, a parasite, has embedded itself in nearly all hives in Wisconsin and elsewhere. The mite spreads diseases that can wipe out entire colonies and was pegged as the top killer of honeybees, according to USDA data. Insecticides like neonicotinoids, used in nearly all corn fields, also kill their share of bees.

Importing bees

While beekeepers like Palkovich have struggled recently to keep their colonies alive, Chris Hansen, owner of Hansen Honey Farm in Rhinelander, has built a thriving business re-stocking Wisconsin's bee population. This year alone, he'll import $750,000 in bees from California.

Hansen, a third-generation beekeeper, has raised bees for 18 years. Ten years ago, he began importing bees from California to sell to the local beekeeping club.

Hansen said he was selling about 100 colonies a year at about $35 each. Then demand for replacement honeybees spiked. This year he will sell about 4,500 colonies across the upper Midwest.

"We sell just about everything not nailed down," Hansen said by cell phone Thursday. He was driving to California to pick up another load of beekeeping supplies, his 14th trip this spring.


"A lot of people I know are actively working toward a solution," said Gerard Schubert, president of the East Central Wisconsin Beekeepers Association. "Once you know what you're up against, you can begin to solve it. But it's going to take time."

But Hansen's California suppliers are also feeling strained. This season, Hansen ordered four semi-tractor trailer loads — about $1 million in bees — but was told he could order just three trailers.

As beekeepers in Wisconsin and elsewhere have become more reliant on importing colonies, the price for bee packages has risen.

It cost Palkovich about $1,000 this year to import her hives - that's $143 per bee package - to re-stock all seven of her hives. which cuts into profits from the honey she sells. Twelve years ago, each package cost her about $40. She worries she may have to abandon beekeeping if the cost of re-stocking surpasses shop income, she said.

Educating beekeepers

Are Wisconsin beekeepers hurtling toward a future that relies on imports alone?

Gerard Schubert, president of the East Central Wisconsin Beekeepers Association, doesn't think so. Bees of the future, he said, will be bred with better genetics that may help them resist diseases and the Verroa mite.

Until then, though, beekeepers require education to keep their hives thriving, he said.

Because this drop in bees has been well publicized, more people are opting to raise their own colonies. And when these upstart beekeepers don't do enough to weed out the mite, diseases can spread through their hives and to other beekeepers' hives. A healthy hive can pick up the mite while pollinating in its three-mile radius, the typical territory of a hive.


Treating the mite with oxalic acid, a chemical found in rhubarb, or treatment strips sold at some hardware stores can help control mites, Schubert said.

Planting more wildflowers and other plants that bees pollinate may help stem losses, too, Schubert said.

Because the practice of beekeeping is changing so quickly, sustaining hives has become nearly trial and error. Until the situation gets under control, many Wisconsin beekeepers will continue to import.

"A lot of people I know are actively working toward a solution," Schubert said. "Once you know what you're up against, you can begin to solve it. But it's going to take time."

Follow Nate Beck on Twitter: NateBeck9



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