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Poll shows Collins drops 16 points in approval, King ranked most popular Senator

Morning Consult's approval rankings for Quarter Two of 2019 were based on responses from 487,624 surveys between April 1 and June 30.

A global technology and media company has released its latest political intelligence approval ratings for the second quarter of 2019 -- and Maine's senators span the board from most popular to most unpopular.

A deeper insight from the same analysis also shows Sen. Susan Collins' support in Maine has dwindled from approval numbers earlier this year.

Morning Consult determines rankings by surveying over 5,000 registered voters across the United States on a daily basis about their senators. Each quarter, the site is updated with the latest data to try to provide insight into where the 100 U.S. senators stand with voters in their state.

The approval rankings for Quarter Two of 2019 were based on responses from 487,624 surveys between April 1 and June 30.

Ranking first in the "most popular" senators category this quarter is Sen. Angus King (I-ME). Data from Morning Consult shows he has a 62 percent approval rating and a 28 percent disapproval rating.

Since Quarter One, King's net approval has grown by four percent, from 58 to 62 percent. His disapproval rating shrunk by one percent, from 29 to 28 percent.

King's net approval is at the highest it's been since the beginning of 2017, when he had a 67 percent approval rating in Quarter One and a 62 percent approval rating in Quarter Two. 

Sen. Susan Collins' (R-ME) numbers for the second quarter of 2019 showed a slightly different result. She was ranked second in most unpopular U.S. senators for the period, with an approval rating of 45 percent and a disapproval rating of 48 percent.

In a deeper dive into Collins' numbers, Morning Consult reports she has continued to lose support among Maine voters, dropping a net amount of 16 percentage points from earlier this year.

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Morning Consult's survey reveals that among all Maine voters, Collins has a net approval rating of -4. Among Republicans, she has a net approval of 27, and among Democrats, her net approval rating is -40.  

Additionally, the survey shows 67 percent of Democrats and 46 percent of Independents disapprove of Collins' job performance. Among Republicans, 61 percent approve and 34 percent disapprove.

On Friday, July 19, Kevin Kelley, a spokesman for Sen. Collins' campaign, sent NEWS CENTER Maine a statement in response to the numbers Morning Consult produced.

"This is not surprising, as Sen. Collins continues to be subjected to a nonstop barrage of negative and false attacks fueled by millions of dollars in dark money," Kelley wrote. "As soon as Mainers focus on next year’s campaign, and Sen. Collins’ extraordinary record of bipartisan accomplishments, we are confident that she will prevail, just as she has in past elections when extreme, out-of-state interests have tried to defeat her."

In June, Sen. Collins was ranked the second "most bipartisan" senator in the United States, according to a study from the Lugar Center and the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University.

RELATED: Collins ranked 2nd 'most bipartisan' senator, study says

She also recently received national attention for casting her 7,000th consecutive vote -- one of only three U.S. senators to do so.

RELATED: Collins casts 7,000th straight vote as reelection race looms

Currently running against Collins in the Maine 2020 Senate race are:

  • Democratic Maine Speaker of the House Sara Gideon
  • Betsy Sweet, a progressive Democrat and former State House lobbyist
  • Bre Kidman, a lawyer from Saco
  • retired Air Force general Jonathan Treacy

RELATED: Maine Speaker of the House Sara Gideon announces run against Susan Collins
RELATED: Progressive announces bid to challenge Susan Collins in 2020

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