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Transitional housing program for domestic violence victims may end

SANFORD, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- Caring Unlimited offers a number of programs for victims of domestic violence, and since 1998, those programs have included transitional housing.

SANFORD, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- Caring Unlimited offers a number of programs for victims of domestic violence, and since 1998, those programs have included transitional housing. But after the organization lost out on a $100,000 federal grant in October, then learned its Section 8 housing subsidies were being discontinued, the program is in jeopardy.

Almost a quarter of domestic violence victims who enter transitional housing after leaving their abusers end up in the apartments run by Caring Unlimited. They can stay in them for up to 2 years, and pay a third of their income in rent.

Caring Unlimited recently learned that the apartments' Section 8 housing subsidies are being discontinued by the Sanford Housing Authority because of sequestration. That news came on the heels of the loss of the federal grant, that the organization had received for the past 9 years.

Caring Unlimited's executive director Cindi Peoples says she needs to come up with $150,000 by October 1, or the housing program will end when the current residents move on. She is re-applying for the federal grant, and is hoping donations from the public will help make up the difference.

Caring Unlimited has one of its two major fundraisers coming up on July 27 in Kennebunk, Nicole's 5K run/walk. All proceeds go towards the organization's programs and services.

You can register for the race or donate to the organization on its website, www.caring-unlimited.org

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