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Rumford community rallies for fire victims

Donations pour into Rumford Aubuchon; store manager says, 'I want them to know we are with them and they are in our thoughts.'

RUMFORD, Maine — Kevin Jamison, store manager of Rumford Aubuchon hardware store, is doing all he can to help the victims of the massive fire in Rumford that sent six people to the hospital Sunday night.

Police say all three apartment buildings involved in the fire are a total loss.

Jamison, a longtime Rumford resident, said he’s seen big fires in the area before, and his own home burned a few years ago. He and his wife “instantly” want to help when devastation hits the community.

“After what happened with me and my wife when the house burned, we saw the community just pour out and help us,” Jamison said, “and I have to do something to pay it back in some way.”

RELATED: Massive fire in Rumford injures 6, three jump to safety

Jamison posted on Facebook shortly after the fire saying Rumford Aubuchon would be accepting donations for the fire victims. “I want them to know we are with them and they are in our thoughts,” the post reads. “…We will stay RIVER VALLEY STRONG TONIGHT.”

Others in the community were helping out as well. Bobbi Nelson-Barnett is a worker at Ralph’s store. Nelson-Barnett said, “I felt really bad for the people so I posted it to drop off donations at Ralph’s store.” She said they collected things like cell phones, money and toys.

Alondra Rodriguez lives nearby in Mexico. She said, “I saw the website that people needed donations and I had 12 bags of clothing and all kinds of new things my children never wore and I just wanted to help everybody out.”

Donations have poured in since 1 a.m., Jamison said, and he said he will accept them “until we don’t need to anymore.” Donations include clothes, blankets, jackets, toys, and even furniture: anything the victims might need to rebuild their lives.

“It warms my heart…we’re a tight-knit community…we’re a family,” Jamison said.

Those who would like to donate can either go directly to the store or send money in the form of cash or gift cards.


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