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Maine couple enters video contest to have baby

Could a Maine couple be a few clicks away from ending their struggle to have a child?

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- Joan and John Baldwin have been trying to have a baby for the past couple of years.

It's been an emotional and financially exhausting experience.

Joan suffers from a condition that is causing her to lose eggs more quickly.

The Baldwins have known each other since they were five years old.

Yet, years later, they reconnected, got married and two weeks later Joan was pregnant.

Joan got to know her child and named her Maeve.

Sadly, Maeve’s heart stopped beating on June 9th, 2015.

The next day. Joan gave birth to her stillborn daughter.

“Maeve's funeral was standing room only, so many people loved her,” said Joan.

As time went on, the Baldwins tried again to have a baby, trying every injection or remedy short of in vitro fertilization.

The price for IVF, $15,000 dollars, is just too much for the couple, or so it would seem.

The Baldwins have posted a YouTube video telling their story as part of a contest.

Jared and Ellie Mecham, a couple from Utah with a popular YouTube Channel, are offering to pay the costs for a couple to have IVF.

In a video, the Mechams explain IVF allowed them to have children and they’ve saved money in hopes of allowing another couple to do the same.

Joan and John Baldwin are finalists in the contest.

If their video gets enough “thumbs up” on YouTube, they have been told they will receive a grant for IVF treatment from a non-profit organization set up by the Mechams.

“I didn't have high hopes at all when we made the video using very low-tech in our bathroom,” said John Baldwin

Wednesday night, the Baldwins were in the lead, beating four other couples.

They hope they can hang on to that edge, and, if nothing else, show the world how special their daughter Maeve was and, for them, still is.


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