Empty Arms of Greater Bangor provides help for families coping with infant and pregnancy loss.
One out of every four women will experience this loss and the depth of grief can be devastating.
With the help of dedicated volunteers, Empty Arms of Greater Bangor gives assistance with organizing funeral arrangements, support meetings for individuals dealing with the emotional difficulties associated with returning to work, family and life after the loss.
Empty Arms of Greater Bangor also delivers educational support to local hospital nurses, social workers and doctors and support for families who are dealing with infertility or hoping to conceive again.
In Mount Hope Cemetery in Bangor, Empty Arms of Greater Bangor helped to create a community garden and memorial for families to visit and celebrate their child or ones they’ve lost.
Melanie McGrath who lost twins at 22 weeks said, “I have been lucky enough to help volunteer for the many events they provide throughout the years and have been in awe of their dedication and passion for helping all of those who hold a baby in their hearts, but not in their arms.”