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Maine prepares for an influx of refugees in the coming year

The state of Maine is expected to see 840 refugees this fiscal year—double the amount from 2023.

PORTLAND, Maine — In the past year, Maine welcomed over 400 refugees seeking safety and a better life in the United States. 

However, in the coming year, that number could double, as organizations housing refugees prepare for an expected influx. 

Refugees arrive with dreams of a new life, steady employment, and a safe haven for their families. 

Maine state officials anticipate 840 refugees arriving in this fiscal year, beginning this month, and they are already getting ready to accommodate these newcomers.

Refugees' journeys to the United States involve extensive preparation that begins long before they set foot on American soil. 

Organizers in Maine work diligently ahead of their arrival to ensure they have the support and resources they need to start anew.

Charles Mugabe, who was a refugee himself, currently serves as the director of immigration for Catholic Charities Maine

He emphasizes that refugee arrivals are well-planned and expected, with a resettlement process that commences while refugees are still overseas. 

"In recent years, the number of refugees who actually arrive in Maine has been approximately 50% to 60% of the projected numbers. Last year, only 80% of the planned refugees made it to Maine," Mugabe said.

This year, it is uncertain if even half of the expected 840 refugees will arrive.

"840 is also ambitious for Maine," Inza Ouattara, the state refugee coordinator, said.

To house these newcomers, people will be placed in one of three resettlement agencies until more permanent housing can be secured.

Catholic Charities Maine will provide housing for 500 refugees.

Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services has room for 200 refugees.

The Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine can house 140 refugees.

Ouattara emphasizes the importance of addressing the housing crisis and ensuring all refugees have a safe place to call home during their initial arrival in Maine.

One of the key aspects of refugee resettlement is the opportunity that refugees can start working as soon as they arrive.

"We work with them to build their English skills, get them signed up for English classes and employment services, help them start preparing for interviews and work," Siobhan Whalen, the refugee resettlement manager at the Jewish Community Alliance, explained. 

This approach aims to prepare refugees for the job market and help them integrate into their new community.

The refugees scheduled to arrive in Maine over the next 12 months will settle in various locations, spanning from Portland to Bar Harbor.

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