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Farmington celebrates Chester Greenwood Day

The day celebrates the man from Farmington who invented the earmuffs.
Farmington Police cruiser dons a giant pair of earmuffs.

FARMINGTON, Maine  (NEWS CENTER) -- The city of Farmington celebrated Chester Greenwood Day, a holiday recognized by the Maine Legislature in honor of the man who invented earmuffs.

Chester Greenwood was from Farmington. Saturday was the 39th annual Chester Greenwood Day parade. This year's theme was "Favorite Character," and people dressed up and created floats as favorite movie and television characters.

The State Legislature declared Chester Greenwood Day an official holiday in 1977.

Greenwood's great-grandson also came.

"I think it's great. I never saw it when it's been this many people. He did quite a bit for Farmington, and to think he invented these when he was only 15 years old," said Chester Greenwood III.

Greenwood III said this was one of the largest crowds he had ever seen.

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