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BBCH patient looks forward to specialty license plate

Now that the Maine legislature and Governor LePage have approved a specialty license plate for Barbara Bush Children's Hospital, hospital staff and patients are looking forward to getting their own plates.

SCARBOROUGH, Maine (NEWS CENTER Maine) -- One day after former first lady Barbara Bush died, the Maine legislature voted to approve a specialty license plate to benefit the children's hospital that bares her name.

The Barbara Bush Children's Hospital has been collecting signatures for a specialty license plate for more than two years. The state house committee on transportation voted unanimously to approve the plate and then it went on to the legislature for their approval. Governor Paul LePage signed an act to create the hospital's plate the next day. Molly Amann is considered a frequent flyer at the hospital. Her family will be receiving plates for all three of their vehicles.

Molly Amann

"It's going to immensely help the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital. Like the child life, the nurses, the doctors, but more importantly the patients," said Amann.

The 17-year-old first went to The Barbara Bush Children's Hospital two years ago for her autoimmune disease. It's where she met Collin Tarbox and found out about his mission to get the hospital it's own license plate. The 10-year-old was one of the best sales men Barbara Bush Children's Hospital has ever seen.

Molly Amann and Collin Tarbox 

Sadly, Tarbox passed away in January and wasn't able to see the license plate pass.

"I know Collin would have wanted it and I know he would be so happy and I wish he was here so I could see his smile," said Amann.

Another person who didn't live to see the hospital's license plate was former First Lady Barbara Bush. News Center Maine spoke with Maine Medical Center CEO, Rich Peterson, the day of Mrs. Bush's funeral about the plate she had signed up for.

"We actually were going to be presenting Mrs. Bush at some point in time with her own personalized plate and it was going to be BB1 for Barbara Bush number one and so at some point in time we hope to be able to present that to the family," said Peterson.

It's estimated that the approved plates will bring in around $200,000 a year for the hospital. The plates are expected to be ready for distribution by July.

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