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"Super Wy" unites thousands to give blood, raise awareness for rare pediatric cancer

"Thank you very much for what you gave up, for taking your time, and also giving us your love and giving our boy your love."

WATERBORO, Maine — You may remember last year, we introduced you to Wyatt Sargent. An adorable baby boy with an infectious laugh.

We shared his story as part of our annual blood drive because his little life depended on those donations. The support to help Wyatt's fight against a series of aggressive, rare brain tumors included people from all over the state, country, even world.

On Monday, NEWS CENTER Maine checked in with Wyatt's family for an update.

"It felt like our family was complete."

From the moment Wyatt came home from the hospital, his mom Ashley Sargent said he was a happy newborn.

"We felt like our family of three became a family of four and everything came full circle and it was absolutely complete," she said.

At two weeks old, he was bundled tight for the polar express. It was then, that something didn't seem right.

Credit: NCM

"We were scared," said Sargent. "We were absolutely terrified."

Wyatt couldn't move his arms and normal baby reflexes weren't happening.

A trip to the Emergency Room turned into a trip much farther away.

"We needed to be in Boston. And we needed to be there tonight."

As in, Boston Children's Hospital. An MRI showed a tumor on Wyatt's spine.

"It was a punch in the gut," said Sargent.

He was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive brain tumor called ATRT.

"Typically ATRT presents itself between 2 and a half and 5 years old. In our case, he was a month."

That one hospital visit turned into more, leading to operations, and blood transfusions. So many his parents lost count. All the while his laugh remained and you could see his scars but couldn't see his pain.

His story touched others so much that total strangers decided to give their time and their blood to help him get through his illness.

His parents were stunned by the outpouring of support from people they never met. That support was so strong it created an army.

"Super Wy's army was created almost immediately," said Sargent.

Thousands of people standing behind the boy they lovingly started calling Super Wy. 

"It was heartwarming really because it shows you that the entire state of Maine really cares and we had people from other states and other countries eventually."

But the tumors came back. And Wyatt didn't make it to see his 2nd birthday.

"But he was such a happy baby," said Sargent. "But it's heartwarming that you met him once  and you saved those and it just goes to show you that he captured the hearts of a lot of people."

And that, Ashley Sargent said, is the real miracle here. All the lives he was able to inspire during his short life.

"You know Wyatt was always very special  but one thing my husband and I have always said is we don't want another family to go through this."

A handsome little guy with the power to bring thousands of people together.

"If you didn't save our boy's life and our time with him, then you saved someone else's and that's just as important."

And that's the legacy of Super Wy.

"So thank you very much for what you gave up for taking your time, and also giving us your love and giving our boy your love."

Tonight, Wy's mum will be on the news.. NewsCenter 6 came over today... to talk about Wyatt and blood donations. Be sure to watch the news tonight. Warning; there are cute photos and you'll probably cry. Lindsey came last year to do an interview on the importance of blood donations.

Right now the need for blood donations is urgent and as we mentioned before, the reason we met sweet Wyatt in the first place was to show the importance of blood donations for our NEWS CENTER Maine blood drive. This year's drive is happening March 25th, so circle your calendars or donate when you can.

RELATED: Super Wy's brave battle with rare, aggressive brain tumors

RELATED: 2019 NCM Red Cross Blood Drive collects 189 units

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