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'Little Kids Rock' trains Maine music teachers for Modern Band programs in schools

According to the Maine Department of Education, the goal is to expand the Modern Band program and offer it in as many as 400 Maine schools.

ORONO, Maine — More than 20 Maine music school teachers, attended a 'Little Kids Rock' training program at Orono High School for more Maine schools to have Modern Band programs as part of the elective choices.

This project is the first time where a State Department of Education partners with the non-profit 'Little Kids Rock.' The main goal is to expand the music programs that are being offered at schools for students to have different options when it comes to music programs.

Spencer Hale works for Little Kids Rock in New Jersey. 

They came to Maine for a day-long workshop, to train Maine music school teachers that are interested in having or already have a Modern Band program as part of the school's curriculum.

"Anything from rock music to metal to reggae to pop to hip hop all of that music is sort of under the umbrella of modern band," said Spencer Hale from 'Little Kids Rock.'

Charles Oehrtmann is a 65-year-old music teacher that says it's never too late to learn new ways to teach and innovate students, he has been teaching music for 40 years.

"I'm doing this new venture, I've never played guitar, but I've always wanted too so I'm learning along with the kids," said Oehrtmann.

Rebecca Mallory is another music teacher who got $5,000 worth of instruments to have a Kids Rock program at her school in Hampden.

The program was very well received in Reeds Brook Middle School in Hampden. Mallory had 60 students interested in the program.

"They are succeeding, they are learning to be good speakers, they are getting confidence," said Mallory.

Mallory says it has helped her students find security and comfort in a safe place. 

"I tell kids to leave their baggage at the door when they walk in my classroom, because they can just enjoy music," said Mallory.

For the schools to be eligible, at least half of their students must qualify for free or reduced lunch programs.

The schools also have to offer the Modern Band course as an elective during regular school hours.

"Often times because the arts aren't tested...as rigorously as other subjects...I think there is some opportunity there to sometimes push them to the side," said Jason Anderson from the Maine Department of Education.

The program is looking to expand and target as many school districts as possible, it hopes to one day include Modern Rock Bands in every school in Maine. The Maine Department of Education brings 10 to 15 new schools into the program each year.


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