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Jared Golden (D) candidate for Congress

Name: Jared Golden

Campaign: Democratic candidate in Maine’s 2nd district

Age: 36

Lives in: Lewiston

Opponents: Republican incumbent Bruce Poliquin, independents Tiffany Bond and Will Hoar

On his resume: Served combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan as a U.S. Marine. Worked as an aide to Republican Senator Susan Collins. Assistant Majority Leader in the Maine House of Representatives.

Noteworthy positions: Favors moving toward a universal health care system along the lines of Medicare for all. Says the U.S. should rejoin the Paris Agreement aimed at fighting global climate change. Would oppose any effort to privatize the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Fun fact: Grew up at Springbrook Golf Course in Leeds, where his mother has worked since she was fourteen and which she now co-owns.

Website: www.jaredgoldenforcongress.com

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