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207 gets a new look entirely made in Maine

The genial 207 hosts were not harmed when the set was redesigned.

The brick set that you've seen on 207 since the program began in 2003 has served us awfully well. Yes, there was the time when we had an explosively loud drumming group from Burundi perform in the studio, and the percussion was so intense that it caused a brick to fall off the wall. The brick, being plastic, didn't exactly come crashing down. Neither the drummers nor the genial 207 hosts were harmed.

The brick set eased into retirement last week and tonight you will see its replacement, a sharp-looking piece of work made of reclaimed wood. Amanda and I will be sitting on new stools, in front of a new 207 sign, and will soon be drinking out of new 207 mugs. We already like the set, and nearly all the people who've sat at the new 207 table have indicated they'd like to take it home.

The wood for the set and furniture came from Ryan Deane, who runs Down and Back Wood Salvage in Cape Elizabeth. DSO Creative Fabrication of Portland built the new 207 sign, table and stools. Spencer Albee, Portland based musician, created the music for the new opening segment. 207 producer Nate Eldridge provided the vision and guidance. All in all, a true Maine effort.

A few people, having heard of the changes, asked a question: what's going to happen to the 207 neon sign? We can't give away too much right now, though the answer will soon become clear. So let's just say this: Maybe the neon will end up on your wall…if you're willing to write a nice check…for a good cause. And, no, Amanda and I do not qualify as a good cause.

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