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LifeFlight of Maine expands to new hangar

LifeFlight of Maine is known for providing critical care transport to all who need its resources.
LifeFlight of Maine expands to new hanger

BANGOR, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- LifeFlight of Maine is known for providing critical care transport to all who need its resources. The expansion of LifeFlight will not only add jobs, but will also allow pilots and the medical staff to respond to more calls and help more people.

In just minutes LifeFlight pilots and medical staff can be up in the air flying patients to get the help that they need. Along with their new fixed wing aircraft LifeFlight has moved into a larger hangar at Bangor International Airport.
Having a larger hangar to call home means many changes including moving their communications center to the hangar.

"...Makes all the difference in the world, it allows, us to be 24/7 ops, and quarters that provide us both comfort and facilities that can keep the aircraft clean, out of the weather and ready to be you know launched on a mission in very short order..." said Tad Woodilla, the Aviation Site Manager for Flight Operations for LifeFlight of Maine.

It also allows LifeFlight to store multiple aircraft along with their new one. Currently LifeFlight has 2 helicopters, and one fixed wing airplane. Their new fixed wing aircraft is being outfitted so they have a substitute in the meantime. And expanding, means adding more jobs.

"...We've had hired and we continuing to hire, so to add the fixed wing that was an additional 8 pilots, and an additional mechanic, were overtime gonna add some new communications staff, and over time add more clinical staff as well" said Thomas Judge the Executive Director of LifeFlight and the LifeFlight Foundation.

They do about 1650 transports a year most being hospital to hospital through primarily aviation, but the numbers are rising.
Over time, LifeFlight hopes to add 35 jobs. But most importantly they will continue responding to the people of Maine at a moments notice.

"Cause we're serving the people of Maine, and we're making better outcomes for people so to know we're helping people at the end of everyday, is part of the joy of working here, and just helping folks out" said Woodilla.

LifeFlight's 2 helicopters are on call 24 hours a day.

The substitute fixed wing aircraft are currently only operated 12 hours a day but they are moving towards 24 hour coverage in the near future. The new airplane should arrive later this week. LifeFlight also has a 3rd back up helicopter and they are working on adding a full-time one in the future through fundraising.

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