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Mobilize Recovery Maine gives out free Narcan door-to-door in Waterville

Organizers hope distributing the opioid overdose-reversing medication will help save lives.

WATERVILLE, Maine — Members of Mobilize Recovery Maine and volunteers went to neighborhoods in Waterville to distribute free Narcan to residents and teach them how to use it.

"We're trying to get some people to save lives," Jon Reynolds, community organizer for Mobilize Recovery said.

Narcan is a nasal spray that is used to reverse the effects of opioids.

The canvassing is part of Mobilize Recovery Maine's "Project Doorstep" initiative. Its goal is to reach 10,000 doors within two years. The organization is on its way to hitting 5,000 this summer, after knocking on over 5,000 doors last year.

"There are many people that are struggling with substance use disorder, and because of the stigmas and guilt and shame around substance use disorder, people are either afraid to go get help or they don't know where to go get help," Reynolds said.

That's where Reynolds and his team come in—to deliver this life-saving medicine, teach people how to use it, and give them recovery resources.

"Our main goal is to lower the overdose death rates here in the state of Maine," Reynolds said. "The numbers went down last year for the first time in seven years I believe, so that's a huge improvement."

Mobilize Recovery organizer Jean Marquis has made canvassing for Narcan a personal mission of hers, after an experience with her own family.

"My son was saved by Narcan by good Samaritans who happened to have that on hand, and I am so ever grateful for that," Marquis said. "And now he's two-and-a-half years sober, I'm so, so proud of him."

Marquis said everyone should have Narcan. "Every purse, every knapsack, every glove compartment, because you never know when they're going to need it," she said.

Volunteer Kassandra Mores works with individuals struggling with substance use disorder. This week, her friend and coworker Brock Peters lost his life in a motorcycle accident. He was a big advocate in the recovery community.

"I came across what mobilize recovery was doing today and I thought that was a great opportunity to honor his memory and hopefully save a life in our community," Mores said.

This program is especially important to Reynolds, since he has survived multiple drug overdoses.

"I'm in recovery now. I'm only able to be in recovery because Narcan saved my life," he said.

Reynolds is grateful for the life he's now able to live.

"I have an eight-month-old son, a wonderful fiance," he said. "I have a wonderful life today, so I want other people to be able to experience that.”

Mobilize Recovery will be canvassing every third Saturday of the month from now until September, throughout Kennebec County.

To learn more or get involved, you can check out Mobilize Recover’s website or the Maine Recovery Advocacy Project Facebook page.

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