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Two Maine students accepted into United States Air Force Academy

Sara Scrapchansky of Brunswick and Kelly Yoon of Falmouth have accepted an offer to United States Air Force Academy
Credit: Kelly Yoon, Sara Scrapchansky

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree announced Tuesday that Sara Scrapchansky of Brunswick and Kelly Yoon of Falmouth have accepted an offer to attend the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Pingree nominated them to the Academy in December.

“Acceptance to a U.S. service academy is extremely competitive and reflects highly on a student’s scholarship, community service, and character,” said Pingree.

Kelly is a senior at Falmouth High School. Her parents are Edward and Regina Kim Yoon.

“I have always known that I want to help the world,” Yoon wrote in her letter requesting a nomination. “The stressful and structured conditions in the military are exactly the environment in which I think I can achieve that. Let me evolve into my best self to make the most effective and positive difference I can in this world."

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Sara is a senior at Brunswick High School. Her parents are Keli and Derek Scrapchansky. Contact information is available on request.

“My father is a retired Naval Commander and my role model. He encouraged me to face challenges as opportunities,” Scrapchansky wrote in her letter requesting a nomination. “Through my father’s honesty, integrity, and grit, I learned the value of facing stress with optimism. I do my best to follow in his footsteps by integrating his attitude and discipline into the way I lead my life.”

To be considered for an appointment to a service academy, applicants must be nominated by an authorized nominating source, which includes Members of Congress.

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