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Six men plead guilty to providing a place for minors to consume alcohol

On the night of Alexie Adams' death, she attended three parties starting around 8:30 p.m. Adams drank alcohol at all of the parties which were hosted by the six men who appeared in court Thursday.

In a Bangor courtroom, prosecutors detailed the night 19-year-old Alexie Adams was found dead in a snowbank in Orono last year after a night of heavy drinking.

Six men who were UMaine students hosted parties where Adams drank alcohol on the night of her death. The six all pleaded guilty to charges in court on Thursday, Jan. 3, 2019.   

On the evening of Feb. 3, 2018, Adams attended three parties beginning at approximately 8:30 p.m. Prosecutors say Adams drank alcohol at all of the parties that were hosted by the six men who appeared in court Thursday. 

The first defendant, Matthew Greenlaw, hosted the first party Adams attended. He pleaded guilty to knowingly providing a place for minors to consume alcohol.

Greenlaw was sentenced to a  $500 fine. 

The second defendant, who hosted the second party, was Blake Bickford. Bickford was also charged with knowingly providing a place for minors to consume alcohol.

Prosecutors say Bickford was the defendant that complied best with police, offering a voluntary interview and allowing police to take photos of the aftermath of his party in the early days of the investigation. 

Prosecutors also say Bickford was very remorseful for his actions. 

Prosecutors said there was also a 16-year-old at his apartment the night of Adam's death.

Bickford will be sentenced to a fine of $1,220 to be paid by March 1. Bickford will spend the next few months speaking with high school seniors about the consequences of consuming alcohol.

"All I can say is my deepest remorse. I wish there was more I could have done that night to prevent what happened." He said.

Christopher Dionne, Trevor Carter, Tristian Harvie and Ethan Smith also pleaded guilty to knowingly providing a place for minors to consume alcohol. They were the hosts of the third and final party of the night. 

There were minors at this party as well, some as young as 15-years-old.

Prosecutors showed video from the party of Alexie Adams and others saying how intoxicated they were.

Dionne, Carter, Harvie and Smith were all given 50 hours of community service and a fine between $1,500 and $1,700.

Carter says that the incident has caused him a lot of anxiety but he wants to be a positive role model moving forward. 

RELATED | Woman found dead in snowbank, police seeking answers

Judge Andersen said in Penobscot County District Court that the UMaine Students were not responsible for providing alcohol and cocaine to Alexie Adams and were not responsible for her death.

They were responsible for providing a place for minors to drink alcohol.

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