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Supporters of United Auto Workers emerge in Bangor

Union supporters passed out leaflets next to various car dealerships on Thursday.

BANGOR, Maine — Several United Auto Workers supporters who mobilized in Bangor on Thursday spoke to NEWS CENTER Maine about why they have strong support for the plight of UAW members who are choosing to strike around the country.

"The workers have said this is enough. They're doing 10-hour days, 6 days a week. They're not making enough money to raise their kids, raise their families. And they're saying we need to slow down until we get a fair shake," Adam Goode, the legislative and political director of the Maine American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, said.

His fellow union supporter Jack McKay told NEWS CENTER Maine, "If you look at healthcare, retirements, paid time off, having basic protections around unfair disciplines at work. All those things have been won by the unions."

Nationally, auto industry workers belonging to the UAW have been walking out of work at plants belonging to America's big three automakers. These include Ford, brands of General Motors, and Chrysler, which is now known as Stellantis. 

"With this change in the industry, there is the question [of] will those benefits extend to the new battery plants, to the new parts plants which will be for the electrical cars of the future," McKay said.

McKay spoke to UAW concerns that workers on the plants that build electric vehicles may be left out of what they deem as fair treatment from automakers. 

In a letter that demonstrators passed out in Bangor and that was signed by Jack McKay himself, serving as Eastern Maine Labor Council president, union members call for auto dealership cooperation.

"We are NOT picketing auto dealerships nor are we discouraging people to shop at your business," stated the letter, "we are calling on all interested parties, including your dealership, to add your voice to calling on the big three automakers to do right by their workers."

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