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2019 Beach to Beacon registration fills up in 13 minutes

The average registrant completion time was 3 minutes, 25 seconds.

CAPE ELIZABETH, Maine — Fast fingers once again paid off for bib hopefuls vying to put their quick legs to work this summer at the annual TD Beach to Beacon 10K road race.

This year's general registration day ended in just 13 minutes, with individual registrants averaging a completion time of 3 minutes, 25 seconds.

Among the 4,000 registrants are hundreds of runners from Maine.

The U.S. states sending the most competitors to Beach to Beacon after Maine are Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Connecticut; international registrations include citizens of Canada, Mexico, France and Italy.

Statistics provided by race organizers showed females were 26 seconds quicker on average than males in completing their forms.

Overall, 45 percent of entries are males and 55 percent are females.

Forty was the average age for all racers.

A lottery for 1,950 bibs is now open through March 24.

The 2019 TD Beach to Beacon 10K is on Aug. 3, 2019.

Best of luck to all participating!

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