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At least 16 cats in Bangor neighborhood have disappeared

Bangor Animal Control is investigating, but the cause of these disappearances is unknown.

BANGOR, Maine — Cats are disappearing from Bangor’s Fairmount neighborhood, and their owners still don’t know why it’s happening.

In the past two months, at least 16 cats have disappeared without a trace.

Two weeks ago, Fairmount resident Anne Foster’s cat, Frankee Blue Eyes, went out at night as she usually does. But Frankee never came home.

“She's so amazing and loveable," Foster said. "There's really a hole in my heart without her."

It’s been a month since resident Matt Morgan’s cat Eloise went missing. Morgan said that in the time he has lived in the neighborhood, this influx is unusual.

“There was never this kind of spike of this kind of activity, and the animals that disappeared were either found later, or it just wasn't at that rate,” Morgan said.

None of these cats have been found, making it hard for cat owners to get closure.

“It's like you're in grief, but you can't really grieve because you don't know if they're actually gone,” Foster said.

Many neighbors are wondering why this is happening.

Bangor’s animal control officer, Trisha Bruen, said she believes the cats were killed by wildlife. She said it’s also possible some cats ran away and will return or were stolen.

The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, though, does not believe wildlife is the cause—foxes, coyotes, and fishers have always been in the area.  

“The question is, where's her collar? Where's her remains if it was an animal?” Foster said.

No remains of any cats have been found, but Foster remains hopeful that she will get answers.

“I’m not gonna give up hope on Frankee, but I'm hoping she comes home soon, and everybody else's cats,” Foster said. “They're amazing and they're such an important part of the family.”

Bangor Animal Control is investigating these incidents.

Right now, Bruen says pet owners should keep their pets inside at night and supervise them during the day to ensure their safety.

If you know anything about these disappearances, you can contact Bangor Animal Control by emailing trisha.bruen@bangormaine.gov.

If your cat goes missing, you should reach out to your local shelters and animal control.

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