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Show your support for our healthcare professionals during this coronavirus outbreak

Wells husband is showing support for his wife, who is an ER nurse and all the other healthcare professionals who are on the front lines of this public health crisis.

WELLS, Maine — COVID-19 disease is a novel virus. This means that it is a new strain not previously identified in humans- therefore, we are navigating it with some uncertainty. Christian Trocchi calls it a "virus war" and our healthcare professionals are on the front lines.

Trocchi is a proud Army veteran. He recalls coming home from conflicts and seeing ribbons and American flags hanging on lamp posts, doors and in other various places. "I’ll never forget how much I appreciated that support and how good it made me feel," he said.

He recently saw a social media post from another healthcare worker in another state who was asking people to show their support for our healthcare professionals by placing a simple heart decoration of any sort on their front door. 

Trocchi's wife Deb, is an ER nurse. They both know what it's like to fight a war, only hers is a virus war. Healthcare professionals on the ground continue to provide care during this pandemic, doing everything they can to protect us all.

Trocchi's hope is that many Mainers will join him in showing their love and support to all of our brave healthcare professionals. Please show your support- hang a heart!

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