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Phineas Sprague a mover and shaker on Portland's waterfront

A profile of a Portland player

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER-- Exciting things are happening on Protland's waterfront and many of them are happening because of Phineas Sprague. Sprague sold his Portland Company on the Eastern end of the Waterfront in 2013. Part of that deal was that he be able to purchase land on the west end of Commercial Street to build his boatyard. Since that original deal, Sprague was part of a group that lured Eimskip to Portland. To accommodate this move, Sprague moved his boatyard a little further west.

That he understood the importance of enticing this major shipping company to Portland is no surprise. Sprague's family has been an enormous influence on Portland for more than 100 years. In fact, his grandfather sold the Portland Company.

The Portland Company was a major player in the operation of the Grand Trunk Railroad. This rail line brought products from Canada through Portland to Europe and vice-versa.

Phineas was born in Portland and spent his summers at the family's beloved salt water farm in Cape Elizabeth. He was loves the sea and considers himself a sailor.

After rowing at Harvard, he went on a four year sailing circumnavigation. His trip, which began in 1973 was a seminal moment. Not only did it help shape his few of the world, he met his wife Joanna on the trip.

They now have three children and four grandchildren.

They also have a hand in just about everything that goes on along the waterfront including The Narrow Gauge Railroad, Sail Maine, Oceans Classroom and visits from The Eagle and The U. S. S. Kennedy.

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