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Gun owners talk about gun control

Four gun owners talk about current gun control proposals to see if anything can be done to end mass shootings such as Sandy Hook.

Portland, ME (NEWS CENTER) -- Will current gun control proposal do any thing to stop the senseless massacres that we experienced in Newtown, Aurora and Virginia Tech? That question was posed to four gun owners.

Just as there is disagreement among the public at large, there is disagreement among gun owners about what gun control regulations would help.

Paul Driscoll is a Portland attorney who loves to hunt over his champion bird dogs. He would not oppose more regulation especially if it could be proven that it would make society more safe, "As a culture, we have to get by this absolutism on one side or another," he said. "We (gun owners) need to dial it down a little bit if we're going to actually make some progress on these things."

Denny Denham of Gray, who is a National Committeeman for Ducks Unlimited told NEWS CENTER that "It's difficult for gun owners to see all these regulations and gun efforts to put all these restriction on the honest gun owner. The criminal is going to find a way."

David Poll of Hudson, an ardent deer hunter and a member of the Gun Owners of Maine agreed and stressed more education such as an online course offered by his organization, "We have a great free training online and I recommend it to everybody."

Kelly Cotiaux a passionate wing shooter concurred. She thinks a changing society is causing people with no understanding of guns to purchase guns. She points to drug use, changes in family structure and even video games as reasons, "There are things happening now that didn't happen when we were growing up," she said.

The group generally agreed that shooters should get educated, be efficient with their weapons and most importantly, secure them so that they do not fall into the hands of those who might harm others.

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