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Pro-casino PAC picks up nearly $700K in contributions

Money is continuing to pour into the campaign for a casino in southern Maine in the final days leading up to the election.

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Money is continuing to pour into the campaign for a casino in southern Maine in the final days leading up to the election.

Campaign finance reports indicate nearly $700,000 has been contributed in recent days to Progress for Maine, a political action committee. That includes $450,000 from gambling entrepreneur Shawn Scott's Capital Seven LLC. The rest came from companies in Tokyo and New York.

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That brings to about $5 million the amount raised by the PAC. More than $4 million was also spent to gather signatures. The opposition has raised $700,000.

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Voters will have the final say on Nov. 7 on the proposal for the state's third casino. The referendum is worded in such a way that only Scott or one of his entities could run it.

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